6 Books You Will Dog Ear & Break The Binding

As you know, we are a home stacked with books. Each room has shelves piled with books. I’ve slowly started to pass books along, but a few favs will stay on our shelves. Here are a few that you may see gracing our van’s passenger seat, or sprinkled with coffee on the kitchen shelf. I’m always bummed when I feel late to the party and don’t hear about a good book. Do you have any favorite reads lately?

The Lies Girls believe series began as a book to women, and then two authors came together to write this to girls. With our pre-teen in the house, this has been a great conversation starter for me. Simple stories that show tension so often encountered in those years, along with the application of God’s Truth, lead to great talks. Budget-wise, you can have great conversations without the guide.

Love Does For Kids is a family favorite that we have listened to in the car and at bedtime. They request it over and over. Simple stories and God’s Truths sprinkled throughout. In Heather Boersma’s Letters From a Big Sister, she has a great ministry to girls and I’m excited to be able to share these letters from Christian women with my girls as they grow.

Alia, she is a friend and writer who penned a beautiful work in Glorious Weakness. Finally, the study by Priscilla Shirer that I continue to read and work through.

Now, it’s your turn. What are you reading?

Easter Thoughts

You are so loved

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

As I prepare my heart and mind for Easter I have been sitting in these words by Paul Tripp.

“The Empty Tomb reveals that God is loving.

Why would God go to such an extent to help us? Why would he care to notice us, let alone rescue us? Why would he ever sacrifice His own Son? Because not only is God loving, but he himself is the definition of love (John 3:16, 1 John 4:8). You and I need to remember that his love was not motivated by what he saw in us, but by what is inside of him. Even when we're unloving and rebellious, full of ourselves and wanting our own way, God is still loving. He delights in transforming us by his grace and rescuing us by his love.” (Paul Tripp)

May you have a fantastic day celebrating the resurrection!

Christ's Love Compels Us

Christ's Love Compels Us

The natural deodorant I applied in haste is tested as I stare at yet another load of dishes waiting to be put away. The phone buzzes on the shelf notifying me of another text and I attempt to not cry as I pick up another broken glass that was accidentally tipped over. It is now the time to decide if I will return to teaching for next year or stay home again teaching my kids. My heart pounds in my chest and my breathing becomes shallow. In just a few minutes I can go from feeling put together to falling apart.

& then I remember the verse I’ve been clinging to.

For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. 2 Corinthians 5:14-15

2019 is far different from the early church a few thousand years ago. No dishwasher, no vacuum, no phones, yet

Christ's Love Compels Us

Galatians 5_16-24 Copy-3.jpg

I’ve been sitting in this verse for a few days. I hope to share tomorrow just a bit of what I’ve been learning. Pray through this verse, read it over and over, reflect, and read it in context. Soak in this amazing truth.

We’ve had a busy week with schoolwork, and getting outside as much as possible. This Michigan winter was great, but I am surely ready for the spring season, warm weather, and the mittens to be packed away into the basement for awhile. Remind me of this when I’m sweating as I push the lawn mower.

What's For Dinner? March

It has been awhile since I have posted our weekly menu, but last time I did, you liked it. So, here’s another plan. We do not follow a specific diet in our home, however there are a lot of paleo recipes that work well, and I try to avoid gluten. Part of my distaste for cooking is not being prepared, and the week runs better if I plan. I’d love it if you shared your go-to recipe in the comments!

Of course I’m not including our Taco Tuesday, or egg breakfasts. These are some of the new recipes I’d like to try.

Do you have a favorite recipe for a novice like me? I’d love for you to share it in the comments!

A few of my Favorite Things

This book was a gift from a dear friend. If you are 30+ and a woman, buy it, borrow it, read it. It’s a great resource to have, and explains things in simple terms.

By Siloam Editors
Buy on Amazon

This is such a great way for my little one to practice, and for her attention span. There are tiny magnetic beads within the plastic case. The little pen is used to help children form their letters (and another for numbers) well, in an engaging way. When the magnets are pulled toward the surface the kids then push them back down again. I may find myself playing with this as well, ha ha.

My girls love nail polish, but I do not like all of the chemicals in traditional polish. This paint works well, and I don’t have to worry.

This creamer helps me as I am attempting to cut down on dairy (oh help me with cheese), and tastes amazing in Chai tea.

Since I have cut down on my intake of coffee to one cup a day, decaf or caffeinated chai has replaced my day long cup of joe.

As we study different time periods or the kids ask questions, this giant timeline sits as a desk reference. It folds out across the room, or can flip to keep the size within reach. It starts at creation and goes until present day.

Big Book of History
By Ken Ham, Bodie Hodge
Buy on Amazon

Let’s all agree, these markers help kids of every age write lists, draw pictures, or anything that requires writing (gasp!) complete sentences.

Let’s talk about curly hair. I use Shea Moisture and the Curly Girl method. I do not use the shampoo. Maybe I’ll share more later. So, if you like the smell of my hair, this is it. ;)

This is such a great book. You must check it out.

What are some of your favorite things?

Trusting God in this season of Wife, Mom of littles

I am Virginia, wife of Paul for 12 years, Mom to 3 kids ages 10 to 5. I shared this tiny bit of my story with the women of my church the other week. I pray as I share it here that you may be encouraged.

I grew up going to church, accepted Jesus as my personal Savior at the age of 5, and read my Bible through my teen years. I served in the church and made every effort to please both God and others. In college I rededicated my life to Jesus after some poor choices, and ended up being able to go abroad and serve alongside some local churches and support them. I am a teacher, love to create, and enjoy the outdoors. I had a brain tumor 9 years ago, was paralyzed for 6 weeks and had an undiagnosed infection that could’ve taken my life. Health then became my idol and source of fear.

When I was asked to answer, What are you currently trusting God for? As a new homeschooling mom to 3, it was great for me to sit and reflect.

What am I trusting God for, and how does that look?

Identity. I am daily trusting God for Identity in Him.

The clutter, cries, and minute by minute needs can leave me feeling overwhelmed and lost if I’m not rooted in Who God says I am. I can find myself attempting to find my identity in what I do or do not do, rather than who God says I am. I can choose to put on anxiety and worry that I messed up, worry about being around for my kids, and since I had some of the oddest things happen to me, in the back of my head I can jump to the google answer as a possibility. I can choose to spiral, or I can choose humility and Jesus’ forgiveness. I can accept His wisdom, and grace, remembering that I am redeemed, I am God’s beloved. I am the daughter of the One True King. I am more than a conquerer in Christ Jesus.

How do I practically do this? How do I remember that my identity is not defined when my hands are soaking in a pile of dishes with squabbles at my side, or when I’m greeted by underwear still attached to the inside out pants? How do I keep my cool? By seeking God in His Word, in worship, and in prayer. I have verses and reminders around my house that I may sometimes shout out in the shower, or cry into my pillow. When those thoughts enter my mind, I am trying to be mindful and refute lies with Truth. Prayer, prayer changes everything. (I’m blessed to be married to a man who loves Jesus. As I type this, I know that is not true of everyone’s situation, but this is part of how I battle the lies.) Every morning the most beautiful, imperfect words pour out of my husband’s mouth, as he prays for me, and our family. Every evening we pray over our family again. I say imperfect because the words we say don’t make our prayers beautiful, the power, grace, and love of God does. I share with him my fears, and he knows he can’t do anything but to get on his knees and point me to Jesus. In addition, I may text a friend to ask for her to pray when a new headache follows me all day, or my patience has disappeared. What would have crippled me in fear in the past, now I try to see as a highway rumble strip with a fast correction.

Peace. I am daily trusting God for peace.

Peace for the anxious times. Peace in the busy schedules. I am daily on my knees praying for help to let go of the control over my husband, my kids, house, homeschool, friendships, unknowns. When left on my own my brain can quickly hit the worst case scenario. He’s so good to show me in His Word, help calm my nerves, and remind me who I am in Him, and what He calls us to. Here are the verses I had memorized and placed under my pillow before my brain surgery.

Philippians 4:4-9, ESV

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

I am not to think about how I may have disappointed my husband, I am not to be thinking about the broken glass. I am not to be focusing on the horrible news that fills our feeds, no, I am to be anxious for nothing, pray, and replace that with God’s truth, lovely things, and thanksgiving.

How do I practically do this? Log off of Facebook, and block it on my phone. Remove Instagram. Refuse to watch the news. Listen to audiobooks and spotify playlists of the good, true, and lovely.

Provision. I am daily trusting God for His Provision

as I am no longer working outside of the home. Last year God was very clear that I was to take a leave of my teaching position and pull my kids home. I looked foolish to many, lost some friendships, but am at peace about where He has us. God has provided just enough, every month. It is faith growing to watch how God provides little blessings that may have gone unnoticed in prior years.

How do we trust God to provide?

We live on a tight budget and shop at Aldi too. We watch our finances closely, and pray faith filled prayers. Our decade old mini van gets us around town, and we utilize the Hoopla app and the library now rather than purchasing books. We pray with our kids about the little and big things. They have seen God provide a gift card for Gigi’s sparkle boots when she needed new shoes and we couldn’t find any at the thrift. We’ve seen God provide supplements, new to us appliances, new to us vintage door, size 5 winter coat and boots, just praying and watching God provide in unique ways. We also realize we don’t need as much as we thought we did in the past.

So, as I trust God for my identity, His peace and provision, I hope to encourage you and you me.
