
Philippians 4 & Gratitude Journal Freebie


These have been some weird days around here lately. Our home and the rhythms aren’t too much different since I’ve been homeschooling a few for the last year and a half, but the difference is the unknowns that are more evident and in our faces. With these changes, and with any changes in our daily rhythms can come feelings of anxiety, feelings I am familiar with if you’ve been around here for any amount of time.

I am waking in worship, God’s Word, prayer, and jumping into what is known. Dwelling on what is true, not the what-ifs. As I try to talk to my kids about combating lies and using those feelings as tools to get through the unknown, we talked about Philippians 4. This book of the Bible is full of encouragement. So often people read a verse or two and stop.

If you’re at home like I am, you have the time.

Sit in Philippians 4.

Do you see it?

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Let your gentleness, reasonableness be seen by all! It’s not always easy when we are feeling overwhelmed and out of control. Tempers are short and we are sitting on the edge if we aren’t careful.

What else does it say? To pray and give it to God. I can tell you that I daily lay down my thoughts and fears to the One that can handle them. He doesn’t turn me away. He’s not shocked. He’s my Healer, He’s my Shepherd, He’s my Savior. & He gives me His peace, His wholeness, and guards my ever-changing emotions and thoughts in Jesus.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

These verses are a great reminder and encouragement. God created us, He knows where we often let our thoughts take over and loop. Do you see what it says? Verse 8 tells us what to think about, what to loop in our brains, the TRUE, the HONORABLE, the JUST, the PURE, the LOVELY, the COMMENDABLE, the EXCELLENT, the PRAISEWORTHY.

It’s easy to fall into the “WHAT-IFS”, but we are called to think about WHAT IS true, honorable, just, pure,…

I made some sheets to help our family focus on these things and practice them.

We are trying to think about the lovely and all we are grateful for. Since I made these for our crew, I thought I'd share them with you! Each “listing” has multiple pages and choices so you can choose. If you know my kids personally, I bet you could guess which ones they chose.

They are in the shop to separate you from any newsletter list. By putting them in the shop you will not be signed up for anything. It does ask for your address, just make one up and click to check out. It will be sent to your email!

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5 different sheets to choose from with written reminders on what to focus on. Fill this out daily, weekly, or monthly! Based on Philippians 4.

Weekly Gratitude Journal Download for Kids
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Weekly Gratitude Journal Download for Kids
Sale Price: $0.00 Original Price: $2.00

Print this out and write down daily what you are grateful for, the true, the lovely, the honorable.

Download multiple versions of the gratitude journal, both with and without verses.

Weekly Gratitude Journal Sheet Download Adults
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Weekly Gratitude Journal Sheet Download Adults
Sale Price: $0.00 Original Price: $2.00

Print this out and write down daily what you are grateful for, the true, the lovely, the honorable.

Download multiple versions of the gratitude journal, both with and without verses.

Copy of Copy of Copy of Brown Paper Delicate Success_Empowering Quote Phone Wallpaper.png

New Combating Anxiety Resource

New Combating Anxiety Resource

I want to thank all of you, my readers, with the updated version of my Anxiety Reflection Sheets. I pray that they are helpful, and bring you hope.

These are meant to help you reflect on the different faces of anxiety, and bring you straight to the hope of God, and the wisdom he gave me as I traveled the long road to healing with him.

A Kind Letter is More Difficult Than You Think

Letter to Myself.jpg

We’ve all thought back about what we’d tell ourselves decades before. I know I’d tell myself not to wear those hand me down 80s clothes in the 90s, skip the ratted bangs, baggy Skidz pants, and the oversized Polo shirt.

Jump ahead 10 years from now and I wonder what I would want to tell 40-year-old Virginia. I have always been critical of myself.


So as I write this, know that I hardly need a reminder that I am saved from my poor choice by grace, and that I daily lay down my tendencies toward people pleasing or anxiety. I am learning to ask Jesus how He sees me and to walk in freedom, and am sharing because I know I am not alone in this.

A kind letter to myself is more difficult than you think.

Dear V,

Beautiful woman of God, you are free. You are forgiven. Stop and let this soak in. Sit in this truth, and don’t just throw a checkmark to the left of it on your to-do list. Stop and celebrate.

Ok, now let’s move on to something big, just because you stepped out of one position doesn’t mean you’re not seeking God or His ways. You are not a failure. You are far from that. You are created in God’s image, His bride. You are another voice to proclaim His love in a world that so desperately needs to not only hear but see His love lived out. God’s ways are higher, and you don’t see all that He is preparing you for. Those moments that flew by in your 30s and now have kingdom impact, only because you don’t stop.

Stay rooted in God’s Word, and live with open hands, eyes open to the faithfulness of God. Girl, (yes, you’re still a little girl), in the midst of the heartache and confusion you may face, don’t forget how God is present. He walks with you. He loves and cares. The moments you feel seen, loved, held “together” and free, that’s just the beginning.

The lies you began to believe in your youth and still creep back in, they are brought down with Truth…don’t stop the fight. The battle is won with our Savior and in His power.

The unknown of homeschooling and frustrations and fears of the entire prospect seem but a passing breeze to the powerful storms of renewal and growth. Don’t freeze in fear, march on.

Don’t become numb to the world’s sadness. Let the tears for the hurting spur you on to action, not send you crying in the corner. Keep going.

The exercise, keep up the exercise. You’ll be glad you did. Those stretches and that healthy food help you jump out of bed much faster every day. Who cares if your pant size doesn’t display the health of your bones and spirit. The worries you have about the dimples and stretch marks is wasted time. You are God’s creation, don’t see yourself as less. You can walk and move (remember when you were paralyzed or had that brain tumor?) Yes, so throw away the scale, wear clothing confidently, and teach your kids what real health looks and feels like.

The time you spent in prayer for each of your children, family member, and friends, that’s what lasts.

Hormones, oh goodness, the hormones and changes in your life, eh, it’s new. Read the books, pray, and just name it and take it on. You’re not going crazy. It’s normal-ish.

Keep spending time with your husband, those energetic kids, your family, and friends. The busy times only slow down when you choose.

Friends, don’t assume they are “too busy”, be a good friend, pursue, encourage, walk with them.

Continue practicing saying no, and don’t fear when it's time to say yes to the bold opportunities God opens up for you. Confidently move forward.

Continue to put down the phone and look those precious ones in the eyes and wrap your arms around them as much as you can. They grow quickly. Those conversations at night and stories retold will be precious memories. This parenting gig is a difficult privilege. Don’t hold back.

God is faithful. You are here for a purpose, march on.


What do you need to remind yourself of right now? Don’t wait 10 years and feel regret. Face it, line it up with God’s Truth and move forward.

Christ's Love Compels Us

Christ's Love Compels Us

The natural deodorant I applied in haste is tested as I stare at yet another load of dishes waiting to be put away. The phone buzzes on the shelf notifying me of another text and I attempt to not cry as I pick up another broken glass that was accidentally tipped over. It is now the time to decide if I will return to teaching for next year or stay home again teaching my kids. My heart pounds in my chest and my breathing becomes shallow. In just a few minutes I can go from feeling put together to falling apart.

& then I remember the verse I’ve been clinging to.

For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. 2 Corinthians 5:14-15

2019 is far different from the early church a few thousand years ago. No dishwasher, no vacuum, no phones, yet

Trusting God in this season of Wife, Mom of littles

I am Virginia, wife of Paul for 12 years, Mom to 3 kids ages 10 to 5. I shared this tiny bit of my story with the women of my church the other week. I pray as I share it here that you may be encouraged.

I grew up going to church, accepted Jesus as my personal Savior at the age of 5, and read my Bible through my teen years. I served in the church and made every effort to please both God and others. In college I rededicated my life to Jesus after some poor choices, and ended up being able to go abroad and serve alongside some local churches and support them. I am a teacher, love to create, and enjoy the outdoors. I had a brain tumor 9 years ago, was paralyzed for 6 weeks and had an undiagnosed infection that could’ve taken my life. Health then became my idol and source of fear.

When I was asked to answer, What are you currently trusting God for? As a new homeschooling mom to 3, it was great for me to sit and reflect.

What am I trusting God for, and how does that look?

Identity. I am daily trusting God for Identity in Him.

The clutter, cries, and minute by minute needs can leave me feeling overwhelmed and lost if I’m not rooted in Who God says I am. I can find myself attempting to find my identity in what I do or do not do, rather than who God says I am. I can choose to put on anxiety and worry that I messed up, worry about being around for my kids, and since I had some of the oddest things happen to me, in the back of my head I can jump to the google answer as a possibility. I can choose to spiral, or I can choose humility and Jesus’ forgiveness. I can accept His wisdom, and grace, remembering that I am redeemed, I am God’s beloved. I am the daughter of the One True King. I am more than a conquerer in Christ Jesus.

How do I practically do this? How do I remember that my identity is not defined when my hands are soaking in a pile of dishes with squabbles at my side, or when I’m greeted by underwear still attached to the inside out pants? How do I keep my cool? By seeking God in His Word, in worship, and in prayer. I have verses and reminders around my house that I may sometimes shout out in the shower, or cry into my pillow. When those thoughts enter my mind, I am trying to be mindful and refute lies with Truth. Prayer, prayer changes everything. (I’m blessed to be married to a man who loves Jesus. As I type this, I know that is not true of everyone’s situation, but this is part of how I battle the lies.) Every morning the most beautiful, imperfect words pour out of my husband’s mouth, as he prays for me, and our family. Every evening we pray over our family again. I say imperfect because the words we say don’t make our prayers beautiful, the power, grace, and love of God does. I share with him my fears, and he knows he can’t do anything but to get on his knees and point me to Jesus. In addition, I may text a friend to ask for her to pray when a new headache follows me all day, or my patience has disappeared. What would have crippled me in fear in the past, now I try to see as a highway rumble strip with a fast correction.

Peace. I am daily trusting God for peace.

Peace for the anxious times. Peace in the busy schedules. I am daily on my knees praying for help to let go of the control over my husband, my kids, house, homeschool, friendships, unknowns. When left on my own my brain can quickly hit the worst case scenario. He’s so good to show me in His Word, help calm my nerves, and remind me who I am in Him, and what He calls us to. Here are the verses I had memorized and placed under my pillow before my brain surgery.

Philippians 4:4-9, ESV

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

I am not to think about how I may have disappointed my husband, I am not to be thinking about the broken glass. I am not to be focusing on the horrible news that fills our feeds, no, I am to be anxious for nothing, pray, and replace that with God’s truth, lovely things, and thanksgiving.

How do I practically do this? Log off of Facebook, and block it on my phone. Remove Instagram. Refuse to watch the news. Listen to audiobooks and spotify playlists of the good, true, and lovely.

Provision. I am daily trusting God for His Provision

as I am no longer working outside of the home. Last year God was very clear that I was to take a leave of my teaching position and pull my kids home. I looked foolish to many, lost some friendships, but am at peace about where He has us. God has provided just enough, every month. It is faith growing to watch how God provides little blessings that may have gone unnoticed in prior years.

How do we trust God to provide?

We live on a tight budget and shop at Aldi too. We watch our finances closely, and pray faith filled prayers. Our decade old mini van gets us around town, and we utilize the Hoopla app and the library now rather than purchasing books. We pray with our kids about the little and big things. They have seen God provide a gift card for Gigi’s sparkle boots when she needed new shoes and we couldn’t find any at the thrift. We’ve seen God provide supplements, new to us appliances, new to us vintage door, size 5 winter coat and boots, just praying and watching God provide in unique ways. We also realize we don’t need as much as we thought we did in the past.

So, as I trust God for my identity, His peace and provision, I hope to encourage you and you me.



Conversation Series: Perfection v. Messy (& 10 cleaning sanity tips and tricks)

Conversation Series: Perfection v. Messy (& 10 cleaning sanity tips and tricks)

Dishes stack in the sink, a junk drawer spills onto the floor, and I slide down head between my hands. My chest tightens, my breaths get quicker, and anxiousness tries to settle again. I love the reason for the mess, it represents life, joy, family, and friends; however being surrounded by it alerts my nerves and I am a puddle of anxiety.

From this place of honesty, I have been working on this.


Scriptures to Read Aloud When Facing Anxiety

Scriptures to Read Aloud When Facing Anxiety

When faced with anxious times, it is easy to set our focus on the worst case scenario or even try to numb ourselves with a Netflix binge or music.  Rather than seeking to avoid or allowing ourselves to sink deeper, we can turn to our Helper, Creator, Savior. We cannot "wish" or try to will the anxiety away, but if we seek God in his Word, we will see that he is our refuge, strength and all-powerful, and we cannot live in peace without him. 

The Worst Combination: People Pleasing & Control Issues

Taking a deep breathe, I open my laptop and login to this space without knowing what will come out, but knowing that I need to be faithful with the gift God has given me.  I have too often ridden the waves of fear & self-doubt, allowing human words to pull me from what I know God has shown me in His Word what I am to do.  I am not made to live these short days pleasing men, and although my heart groans these truths, my actions are stifled by the temporary, the earthly.  

You see, although you may see my smiling face, and I may have been a "favorite" among students, I am more than that.  Since my brain tumor and the birth of my son, I have struggled with anxiety.  Growing up a product of a divorced family, I bring with me fear of rejection, fear of failure and people-pleasing skills to my detriment.  

I want to be perfect in my own strength, I want others to like me, I can't seem to stay organized and fear constantly that my tumor is back when my brain gets foggy and my thoughts are jumbled.  I worry about my kids, worry I'm not doing exactly what God is calling me to, worry about the future.  I worry.  That's the problem, and I know it.  I know all of the verses about worry, and how God tells us not to fear over and over.  I pray against this daily as the thoughts enter my mind.  

For years I have been comfortable being vulnerable.  I share my joys and struggles so that God can be seen clearly through my story.  I make mistakes, and I don't want you to make the same. Friend, I like to control everything, so I "know that everyone is o.k."  This cycle of people pleasing and charging forward has gotten me into quite a few situations where I'm flat on my face.  Each time God walks with me and reminds me that He is in control, and that He is to be pleased.  

So friends, if you are in the midst of the unknown, grasping at someone or something to give you strength and stability, you will not find satisfaction.  Trust Him.  Seek Him.  You are not in control.  Turn every bit of this world we struggle to understand over to Him and rest in His Truths and Promises.  As I am now again.

Matthew 11:29

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.