New Combating Anxiety Resource

I want to thank all of you, my readers, with the updated version of my Anxiety Reflection Sheets. I pray that they are helpful, and bring you hope.

These are meant to help you reflect on the different faces of anxiety, and bring you straight to the hope of God, and the wisdom he gave me as I traveled the long road to healing with him.

15 years ago I was still traveling the world, unknown to the debilitating anxiety that would soon consume me for a decade. After my brain tumor and the birth of my second child, I froze in fear of many tasks. Many around me did not know of my struggle, and I didn’t know how I could possibly feel so out of control. My body would deceive me and cause my breath to turn shallow, my chest to constrict, and my mind to go blank. I didn’t know it was anxiety, and when I figured it out, it felt too late. My body had learned to react in anxiety attacks and there was no stopping them. It was as if I was driving down the road and my body no longer recognized speed bump warnings, I would go straight over the ditch and land in a field upside down and confused. After much prayer, God’s Word, wise counsel, and getting to know some great ways to recognize warning signs (“speed bumps”), I don’t see the fields, or even the ditch much anymore.

If you’re constantly hitting the ditch or field, and are crying out to God, confused and waiting impatiently, know there’s hope. For years I trusted in God, but my body kept pushing me into reactions that I felt were out of control. I wish I could say that if you did a list of certain things that you will be healed, but I can’t. I do know that God loves, cares, heals, forgives (that in itself is freedom!) even when we don’t feel it in the moment.

I have learned to recognize the “speed bumps” or warning signs of anxiety heading my way. I have found if I fill everyday with tasks, lose focus, and don’t take care of my body, I hit the ditch. These sheets originally come from the past decade of traveling this road. When I learned something I wrote it down in the notes of my phone. Many times they were questions like, “Did you sleep well?” or “Did you drink enough water?” and even deep like, “What lie are you believing?” Sometimes something physical triggers my anxiety (hello hormones), or a traumatic or stressful time.

Please accept this gift and I pray that you find it useful. If you found hope and help in these sheets, please like and share. I want the world to know the freedom I have experienced.

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