
Philippians 4 & Gratitude Journal Freebie


These have been some weird days around here lately. Our home and the rhythms aren’t too much different since I’ve been homeschooling a few for the last year and a half, but the difference is the unknowns that are more evident and in our faces. With these changes, and with any changes in our daily rhythms can come feelings of anxiety, feelings I am familiar with if you’ve been around here for any amount of time.

I am waking in worship, God’s Word, prayer, and jumping into what is known. Dwelling on what is true, not the what-ifs. As I try to talk to my kids about combating lies and using those feelings as tools to get through the unknown, we talked about Philippians 4. This book of the Bible is full of encouragement. So often people read a verse or two and stop.

If you’re at home like I am, you have the time.

Sit in Philippians 4.

Do you see it?

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Let your gentleness, reasonableness be seen by all! It’s not always easy when we are feeling overwhelmed and out of control. Tempers are short and we are sitting on the edge if we aren’t careful.

What else does it say? To pray and give it to God. I can tell you that I daily lay down my thoughts and fears to the One that can handle them. He doesn’t turn me away. He’s not shocked. He’s my Healer, He’s my Shepherd, He’s my Savior. & He gives me His peace, His wholeness, and guards my ever-changing emotions and thoughts in Jesus.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

These verses are a great reminder and encouragement. God created us, He knows where we often let our thoughts take over and loop. Do you see what it says? Verse 8 tells us what to think about, what to loop in our brains, the TRUE, the HONORABLE, the JUST, the PURE, the LOVELY, the COMMENDABLE, the EXCELLENT, the PRAISEWORTHY.

It’s easy to fall into the “WHAT-IFS”, but we are called to think about WHAT IS true, honorable, just, pure,…

I made some sheets to help our family focus on these things and practice them.

We are trying to think about the lovely and all we are grateful for. Since I made these for our crew, I thought I'd share them with you! Each “listing” has multiple pages and choices so you can choose. If you know my kids personally, I bet you could guess which ones they chose.

They are in the shop to separate you from any newsletter list. By putting them in the shop you will not be signed up for anything. It does ask for your address, just make one up and click to check out. It will be sent to your email!

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5 different sheets to choose from with written reminders on what to focus on. Fill this out daily, weekly, or monthly! Based on Philippians 4.

Weekly Gratitude Journal Download for Kids
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Weekly Gratitude Journal Download for Kids
Sale Price: $0.00 Original Price: $2.00

Print this out and write down daily what you are grateful for, the true, the lovely, the honorable.

Download multiple versions of the gratitude journal, both with and without verses.

Weekly Gratitude Journal Sheet Download Adults
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Weekly Gratitude Journal Sheet Download Adults
Sale Price: $0.00 Original Price: $2.00

Print this out and write down daily what you are grateful for, the true, the lovely, the honorable.

Download multiple versions of the gratitude journal, both with and without verses.

Copy of Copy of Copy of Brown Paper Delicate Success_Empowering Quote Phone Wallpaper.png

New Combating Anxiety Resource

New Combating Anxiety Resource

I want to thank all of you, my readers, with the updated version of my Anxiety Reflection Sheets. I pray that they are helpful, and bring you hope.

These are meant to help you reflect on the different faces of anxiety, and bring you straight to the hope of God, and the wisdom he gave me as I traveled the long road to healing with him.

Conversation Series: Perfection v. Messy (& 10 cleaning sanity tips and tricks)

Conversation Series: Perfection v. Messy (& 10 cleaning sanity tips and tricks)

Dishes stack in the sink, a junk drawer spills onto the floor, and I slide down head between my hands. My chest tightens, my breaths get quicker, and anxiousness tries to settle again. I love the reason for the mess, it represents life, joy, family, and friends; however being surrounded by it alerts my nerves and I am a puddle of anxiety.

From this place of honesty, I have been working on this.


Desperate and Never Alone

Desperate and Never Alone

My middle class neighborhood is tucked amongst trees and green grass painted in between the blacktop roads. Anyone driving by would not known or seen the desperation of my soul as I sipped my coffee with my husband on the front porch. As I look back to my early 30s I remember feeling trapped, although I was blessed with so much. Somehow I had lots of friends, yet still was lonely. No one really knew what I was feeling, and really I'm not sure I did either.

We can so often go through each day feeling trapped, alone, in this busy world.  

Scriptures to Read Aloud When Facing Anxiety

Scriptures to Read Aloud When Facing Anxiety

When faced with anxious times, it is easy to set our focus on the worst case scenario or even try to numb ourselves with a Netflix binge or music.  Rather than seeking to avoid or allowing ourselves to sink deeper, we can turn to our Helper, Creator, Savior. We cannot "wish" or try to will the anxiety away, but if we seek God in his Word, we will see that he is our refuge, strength and all-powerful, and we cannot live in peace without him. 

Anxious About Being Anxious

One month and baby girl will be here (maybe less after all of the cramps I’m having).  I’m a bit nervous even though this will be my 3rd delivery and the other 2 were safe and healthy.  Do you want to hear something funny?  I‘m anxious about being anxious.  The hormones and post-partum depression denied and gone unchecked that led me to so much anxiety is staring me in the face.

Questions of what-ifs swirl in my head.

& then I remember the Freedom that God gave me through counseling and a little medicine.  No shame.

I will not listen to the negative thoughts, but will focus on the positive.  I know that God is a God of redemption and healing.  I need to continue memorizing God’s truths that tell me who I am and Who He is.  The more I focus on myself, the more anxious I become.


Here’s to the next month of deep breaths, prayer and trusting in the amazing God of the universe.  (& maybe a few more snuggles with my kids!)

12 Ways I Handle Anxiety

I’ve had some people email me privately asking about my medications for my anxiety….
I don’t want to share specific medications on my blog, but I will share with you (in no particular order) some things I’ve learned or have been doing over the past months ~

Just remember

Everybody is different
Every-Body is different….
What has worked for me, may not work for you.

  • I’ve been taking a low dose of my medicine (and stepped it up just a bit – which I guess is normal) and have been feeling better.  I have an “emergency” Rx I keep in my purse if I feel like I’m going to have an attack. 
  • I’m hoping to be able to transition off of my meds next spring (2013) per my doctor.  Some people need to stay on them for life, while others go on and off of them or just go on them once.
  • I haven’t had an attack in quite some time, but I am now more in tune with what feelings go with anxiety attacks.  If I’m hoping to go off of the medication for the long haul I want to be able to recognize the symptoms and learn to calm myself now.  
  • If I feel a lot of stress, it may be two weeks ’til it shows up physically in the form of an anxiety attack.  I’m a “suck it up” and “get it done” kind of girl so recognizing and avoiding stressful situations is very important.  
  • I have gained weight – not sure if it’s the medication or the fact that my gym membership expired and I haven’t really exercised like I was!  (I’ll blame the meds).  
  • We did make it a priority with our Christmas money gifted us to get a spin bike, so there are no excuses in the cold Michigan winters with the kids.  I know exercise will help a lot!
  • I have been working on (and my husband can say I’m nowhere near perfect) on my eating habits.  I have been known to focus on making healthy choices for the kids, but not so good at following through for myself.
  • My husband and I have talked through (outside of an anxious moment) how I need him to respond to me….how to truly help and avoid his “fix it” mentality.
  • I went through an amazing Bible study group that truly helped me dig in and realize the lies I was believing and living out in my life.  
  • I have made it a priority to start my day with God rather than try to fit Him into “my” busy schedule.  Spending time with Him and learning to trust in Him with ALL things.  
  • I have gone to the chiropractor a few times to be adjusted.  The pain that was in my chest is connected to my chiropractic issues and not a heart issue.
  • My family and friends around me (and that includes all of you) have been so amazing!  God is showing me that I’m not alone in all of this.  Not only is God here for me, but all of you!  Thank you!
  • In addition, I had some amazing advice from fellow friend bloggers (who I truly appreciate, but will not mention their names due to privacy).  They truly answered a million questions I had and supported me.  Thank you.  

So, as I travel through this struggle of anxiety I will continue to share bits and pieces with you.  If you ever have specific questions, please don’t hesitate to email me.