Rest a Little While

It’s been a blur.
Seasons slid by, marked by one appointment and gathering to another. Gymnastics, driver’s ed, and fishing team added to the already busy life of our homeschool family. I said no to a lot, but continued to say yes, until I said no more than yes.

I needed to rest a little while. It has been a season of rest and restoration. A season of answers and growing boldness in Christ that at times felt muted by to-do lists and others.
For years I connected and met true friends on social media, but I found myself checking more and more, not wanting to let anyone down. And then, I paused. I didn’t quit socials, but I deleted them off of my phone, and will not be on there as much. It’s been nearly a year since I was consistently present online. I wanted to live out the message I often shared with others over coffee.
I took a class, Teach Equip, with Kelly Needham and Lindsay Schott, along with writing and teaching locally. I’ve been praying, reading, outlining projects, encouraging others, and enjoying this beautiful life God has given me. Now I’m taking next steps, years in the making. (I’ll share more later.)

For now,
I am dusting off the old blog, missing the blogging days of Geeky&Sassy, and want to bring it back. The raw, much unedited movement of God in my heart and life.
You’re invited to come along for the journey. Your prayers are invited as I step out again and again. Let me know how I can pray for you as we live this life of faith, rather than just speak it. May our the message of our lives be louder than facebook posts or instagram stories.